Endemic Ableism. A Seminar on Questions.


Dienstag 14.30 - 17.00 online via zoom


Einführung 14.30 Uhr - 16.00 Uhr am 5.4.2022

dannach immer drei Zeitstunden am 26.4., 3.5., 10.5., 14.6., 21.6., 28.6.2022


This seminar series is an act of collective study. It is intended to explore questions raised around ability, skill, performance, activism, activity and other ideas in wider society which are embedded in the Arts. How is production, and consumption - and  consumation of art centered around the presumptions of so-called abled bodies as actors? How is the whole idea of an actor or an artistic subject based on the idea of conquering or moving through the world with so-called abled body and mind? Where does it begin, or come from? Utilising a Studies in Ableism basis as pioneered by Fiona Kumari Campbell, the series will use input from various frames including, but not limited to, disability justice, intersections of disability and animal rights, as well as activities and discussions of the direct lived experience of physical disability from guest teacher Craig Slee. Its purpose is not to provide answers, but to critically think through-and-with practical and theoretical frameworks of ableist bias in order to provide generative and creative experiences for all participants. We will explore the field in workshop formats with theoretic input and practical exercises alike. There will be a reading list, a Semesterapparat in the library and examples from theater and visual art as material for our endeavor. Languages will be English and German. The Seminar is held on zoom, as Craig Slee is located in England and unable to travel right now.

Craig Slee is a disabled writer and thinker based in the north of England. Born with Cerebral Palsy, and in concert with a wheelchair, he is entangled in thinking through and with disability, philosophy, myth, folklore and spirituality to conceive of other ways of being and to explore the subsurface which lies at the heart of and  n the realm of the more-than-human. His written work has contributed to immersive theatre productions and art installations in various places throughout the UK and internationally.