Dienstag 13.30 – 16.00 Uhr in zoom (every 2nd week)


FACTORING SPACE (in english)


With Craig Slee. 
Beginning April 18th 2023

The human factor has been widely discussed in the context of climate change as well as problematized as a source of mistakes with higher impact. In etymology, factor is deeply entangeld with math, but even more with being an agent, a doer, a maker (see below). Space is a body made of bodies. We will look into the factoring of space in multiple ways. How do we factor, as in make space? What do we take into account, what for granted, when using the Internet as a space? How was it factored, which agents take part in bringing forth this environment? How is accessability taken into account of factoring space in a diverse range of environments? The seminar asks you to begin where you are. What kind of space are you in, how to you contribute in making it, how is it factored and what is the hidden agenda below it? Who and what bodies are able to use and cocrate it?


Etymology FACTOR: early 15c., "commercial agent, deputy, one who buys or sells for another," from French facteur "agent, representative" (Old French factor, faitor "doer, author, creator"), from Latin factor "doer, maker, performer," in Medieval Latin, "agent," agent noun from past participle stem of facere "to do" (from PIE root *dhe- "to set, put"). In commerce, especially "a commission merchant." Mathematical sense ("The Quantities given to be multiplied one by the other are called Factors") is from 1670s. Sense of "circumstance producing a result" is attested by 1816, from the mathematical sense.


Bio: Craig Slee is a disabled writer and thinker based in the north of England. Born with Cerebral Palsy, and in concert with a wheelchair, he is entangled in thinking through and with disability, philosophy, myth, folklore and spirituality to conceive of other ways of being and to explore the subsurface which lies at the heart of and in the realm of the more-than-human. His written work has contributed to immersive theatre productions and art installations in various places throughout the UK and internationally.